Curve Ball Event
2023 Curve Ball Event The Hyatt Lodge Oak Brook, IL


Saturday, March 4, 2023
7 PM at 11:30 PM


The Hyatt Lodge Oak Brook
2815 Jorie Blvd, Oak Brook, IL


Cocktail Attire or Dress for Your Own Curve Ball


Dinner, dancing, silent auction and lots of unexpected surprises!

Don't miss out on our annual Curve Ball event benefiting the Ryan Family!

The Curve Ball is about taking it to the next level for the benefit of those in need. Each year, we give to one family facing extraordinary challenges, in hopes of creating real, positive change.

The Ryan Family

Our 2023 Beneficiary


Our Fundraising Goal
Meet the Family

Meet the Family

The Ryan Family

Lucy (10) and Winnie (5) Ryan have an extremely rare form of mitochondrial disease which is a progressive disease that causes physical, developmental, and cognitive disabilities. Experts have indicated that less than 20 people in the world are currently known to have mito with the FDXR gene mutation. Given the rarity of their condition, medical research is in its infancy. Lucy is now legally blind and is starting to lose her hearing. Winnie also cannot walk on her own, is developmentally delayed, has limited speech, and shows other symptoms similar to Lucy. Kevin and Maura Ryan face numerous medical expenses due to testing, treatments, and hospital stays. Both girls undergo physical, occupational, speech, and vision therapies. They require wheelchairs, hearing aids, and vision magnifier. Together, we can make a difference for the Ryan family!

Support the Ryan Family
About the Curve Ball

About the Curve Ball

Since the beginning, One for the Kids has relished the curve ball. Be it our slightly irreverent tagline, a great time for a great cause, or the fact that our original logo was designed on a cocktail napkin, we haven't exactly been cookie cutter.

Reveling in the unexpected is quintessential One for the Kids. Curve balls at our golf outing have become legendary. They have ranged from skydivers to a mechanical bull and from the Heisman Trophy to a dunk tank. The Curve Ball is a very fun opportunity to give back to Chicago-area charities and a local family in need.

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Our Charities

Our Partner Charities

Advocate Children’s Heart Institute

The Advocate Children’s Heart Institute (ACHI) began in 1987 with pediatric cardiologists from the University of Chicago, Northwestern and Loyola Universities and Children’s Memorial Hospital. This amazing group of dedicated physicians felt that they could provide optimal care for their pediatric patients in a differently structured environment. They created ACHI, now a nationally renowned center on the Oak Lawn, IL campus of Advocate Christ Medical Center and Advocate Children’s Hospital (now on both the Oak Lawn and Park Ridge, IL campuses).

Special Olympics Chicago

Special Children’s Charities of Chicago is the fundraising organization of Special Olympics Chicago. Special Olympics provides a competitive forum for thousands of special athletes here in Chicago every year. Both were founded in 1969 for athletes competing in everything from gymnastics to tennis, basketball to track and field.