It was a sunshine filled Saturday, the Chicago River was being dyed green (along with Pete McMurray’s shamrock suit) and we were in set up mode for the anticipated Curve Ball Event. As dusk arrived, a chill filled the air but the meaning behind this event warmed our hearts. We were here for one reason; to show the Janeliunas and Wennerstrom families an outpouring amount of support. And of course to have a great time for a great cause.
The doors open, the guests arrive & the sounds of acoustic guitar music fill the room. What’s that you see? Ah just the first “curve ball” of the night; a magician weaving in and out of the crowd showing curve balls of his own.
Enter into the main ballroom and you’ll see 3 amazing violinist’s. The CoverGirls Violin Show were rocking to Pop and Rock music to start the evening. Soon thereafter, a bagpiper and a drummer marched through the venue to bring us a little piece of the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations that were happening downtown. Sláinte.
Cue the MCs. Pete McMurray and Bob Lanigan eloquently described the story of why we are all gathered together in this room. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room when we played the video that the talented Launch Digital Marketing team put together. Our live auction showed an unwavering amount of support from friends and family.
To bring us into the second half of the evening, our very own Paul Windsor and his band, The Paul Windsor Orchestra started up with tunes you couldn’t help but bust a move to. They sure know how to get a crowd going! Of course, one of our favorite moments of this event is when the McDonald’s cheeseburgers come out to give us the perfect snack paired with a strong martini.
Thank you once again to everyone who came out and supported our two host families and our two partner charities this year! To our sponsors and donors, we couldn’t have done it without your help.
Now onto the 25th Annual Golf Outing! Hey Now!