With the help of family and countless friends, Rachel was able to attend the One For The Kids cocktail party in her honor, on April 20th. Though she remains on oxygen to help with her shortness of breath, Rachel was able to take a turn on the dance floor with her husband Julio. He acknowledges that his wife and newborn daughter have a long road ahead, but he prays, this miracle continues.
Host Family Update:
The Salverredy Family of Darien was the host family for the Annual Cocktail Party in 2013. When we first introduced the Salverredy’s, their story captured our hearts. Mother Rachel was preeminently residing in the Intensive Car Unit of University of Chicago with complications caused by her third pregnancy. Her lungs had recently collapsed and she was on a ventilator. Due to the stress on her body she was being sedated for several weeks to hopefully give her growing child enough time to develop. As the families story unfolded, all that could be done was to watch and wait for a hopefully happy ending.
Rachel and Julio Salverredy’s daughter, Hope, was born just weeks before the event in their honor on April 20th 2013. After giving birth Rachel’s symptoms started to ease and she was able to be home for her son’s birthday. Though her lungs were still very weak and her heart sustained some damage from the ordeal, she was showing signs of improvement.
With the help of family and countless friends, Rachel was able to attend the One For The Kids cocktail party. As her family expressed often Rachel is not one to miss a party!. Though she remained on oxygen to help with her shortness of breath, Rachel was able to take a turn on the dance floor with her husband Julio. She quickly returned to her oxygen tank for support, but it was obvious that all she wanted to do was dance.
Since the cocktail party, Rachel has needed to stay on her oxygen most of the day and throughout the night while sleeping, but a recent Angiogram that showed her heart has completely healed. The doctors were shocked and couldn’t believe what they were seeing, she was not expected to recover this quickly. Rachel has returned to her daily routine leaving this strange health scare in the rear view, but she still has a few setbacks to overcome. Her lungs are still weak and her family is just taking it one day at a time.
Hope was still in the hospital at the end of May, but she was taken off oxygen Friday 5-17-13 and they were monitoring her breathing for a while. The Salverredy’s cannot wait to get her home. Lets keep the prayers coming and more updates to come.